SD and HD
0.54 MB
By Hanman69
Impossible Hero Defense
- Protect your castle against waves of creeps and bosses. - Destroy enemy buildings to accept challenges. - Ultimates are powerful af. - 100% sellback on items. - Check questlog for Commands & Changelog. - Get latest map version on maps.w3reforged.com or hiveworkshop.com. Also one last thing, you can't win this map, it's Impossible. Version: 31.5 2020-12-02 Noteworthy changes in 31.0+ - Challenges have been updated to encourage different decisions. - Destroying a challenge makes you invulnerable for 10 sec, so you have time to pick challenge. - New items: Strength Axe & Amulet of Speed. - Items are now listed from cheapest to most expensive. - More balanced Waves & Heroes.
Defend your castle against waves of creeps and bosses. You can't win this map. Get latest map version on maps.w3reforged.com or hiveworkshop.com.