SD and HD
148.63 MB
Version release date: 13.02.2023
Eras Zombie Invasion RF v7.1e
Credits to YeetYa, Feawin, Fintrik and pr. Reforged mode by Navy Compatible with both Classic and Reforged. Save/Load System is ON - you can save your Conquest Marks and Valor Level across Eras RF maps Commands: "-save" "-load typecodehere" "-valor" Customized Valor until Level 10 and all new units, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Heroes will be unlockable with Valor from now on Conquest Marks can be earned only on: Hard,Nightmare and Hell Difficulties (type "-valor" ingame for more info) Due to the huge amount of bugs/exploits all codes have been resetted Full Changelog will be on Discord. We have our own Discord server: https://discord.gg/SqJRz9ppqk
Tons of models from WoW/SC2 and HotS Version release date: 13.02.2023 https://discord.gg/SqJRz9ppqk Red = Sweden | Blue = England Teal = Russia | Purple = Italy Yellow = France | Orange = Spain Green = Turkey | Pink = Poland Gray = Germany