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Classic The Moba
BETA v1.1.5b
~Carry/Mid: MM Hunter, BM Hunter, Fire Mage, Frost Mage, Elemental Shaman, Enhancement Shaman, Balance Druid,Affliction Warlock,Destruction Warlock,Arcane Mage,Tinker,Hydromancer, Spellbreaker,GeoMancer Mage ~Solo: Arms Warrior, Retribution Paladin, Warlock, Shadow Priest,Unholy Death Knight,Affliction Warlock~Tank/Solo: Protection Paladin, Fury Warrior, Protection Warrior, Blood Death Knight, Guardian Druid,Tinker,Brewmaster Monk,Warden,Totemic Shaman,Vengeance Demon Hunter~Support: Priest, Restoration Druid. Holy Paladin,Restoration Shaman, Mistweaver Monk, Ancient Druid~Jungle: Assassination Rogue, Feral Druid, Survival Hunter, Enhancement Shaman, Combat Rogue, Demon Hunter, Windwalker, Blademaster ~Item Shops Still in Progress~
Pick your Champions, Special Abilities and fight against your enemy with 38 heroes themed after popular classes in World of Warcraft Classic and some custom heroes as well!. Destroy the enemy Town Hall to Win!